Grant ensures continued support and services for War Widows

Legacy 1

Elderly War Widows across Queensland have been able to continue to access peer support and receive case management services thanks to a grant to the Legacy Club of Brisbane’s Elderly Widows Program which was announced earlier this year.

The $60,000 grant from the Eastern Star Foundation is helping to support Legacy’s complex case management service, which develops individual plans for widows to address their needs. It is also supporting their network of 45 Laurel Socialisation Clubs, which are attended by over 450 elderly members, providing them with the opportunity to socialise and access peer support. 

Eastern Star Foundation Chair, Jonathan Nantes, and Secretary, Beth Littler, who were fortunate to see the impact of the grant first-hand at a recent Redlands Care Group of Legacy morning tea, said that the peer support and case management services were life changing.

“It was wonderful to see the rich social connections that had been established amongst the Legatees at this Socialisation Club, of which our grant is helping to fund,” said Mr Nantes.

“It was evident that the club activities and case management services are enhancing the lives of Legacy Members, and we are proud to be able to play some part in that,” said Mr Nantes.

Head of Fundraising at Legacy Brisbane, Kelly Burmester, said that they were extremely grateful to Eastern Star Foundation for this generous grant which is helping Legacy deliver tailored programs that help their widows thrive and live the life they choose.

“Some require little more than advice, while others require more extensive assistance including relief from financial hardship and social isolation, advocacy, and support with medical, safety and respite care,” said Ms Burmester.

“Legacy does whatever it takes to ensure no widow of a deceased veteran will ever face life’s challenges alone.”

The grant to Legacy Brisbane was part of the Eastern Star Foundations latest grant round, totalling $335,000, which provided grants to help five Queensland charities enhance the lives of their elderly clients.

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